OK so this page is pretty much dedicated to the most awesome animals to ever roam earth. EVER. and I will prove, on this page, how incredibly awesome narwhals really are.

The narwhal, monodon monoceros, [QILALUGAQ in inuit!] is an arctic species of whale related to the beluga. Narwhals reside in pods in the arctic circle, and are rarely found anywhere south of 70°N in latitude. The most peculiar characteristic of the narwhal is the long tusk that grows from their face.[WHAT AND WHAT!!] it bears similar resemblance to the horn of a unicorn, thus earning the nickname unicorn of the sea [OMG UNICORN]. The tusk of the narwhal is a sensory organ. With their tusks, the narwhal is able to "taste" the ocean air, detect salinity, or pressure [OKAY HOW COOLS IS THAT?!]. narwhals often perform an activity called tusking, in which they rub their tusks to clear away grime [like brushing your teeth]. The narwhal's diet consists of, but is not limited to, shrimp, squid, and halibut. The narwhals are a migratory species. in the summer they congregate near the coasts, and in the winter they leave the coasts to reside in densely packed ice. they prefer to stay at the surface of the water. However, narwhals can dive up to 1,500 metres, or 5,000 feet [WOW!!] in 8 to 10 minutes. The current population of narwhals is approximately 50,000.

Narwhals tusking