duckyfeet has a new home, y'all

update your bookmarks to and go check it out!!!!!!

it was an honor hosting stephy for 20 whole years!!!1 i first came across duckyfeet in 2001, and it website blew my 12 year old mind. there was this splash page with colorful, animated stars and mini kaoani, and a really slick pixel art layout with a CHROMELESS pop-up. i wish it were archived, but i did find and record a portion of that splash page:

i pretty much instantly opened ms paint and starting creating my own, probably heavily inspired pixel layout. steph has continued to put out the most incredible layouts i've ever seen, full of gorgeous art, vivid colors, and incredibly cool interactive elements. i honestly don't remember how i came to eventually host her (did i mention it's been 20 years?), but i am so glad i did. being able to support one of your biggest creative inspirations is such an incredible thing.

time goes by so fast, and now we are all adults busy lives, but i will never forget the memories of our niche little kawaii pixel community & all the talented, wonderful people who were a part of it.

love, love, love you all!

♥ jessica aka ravey aka space rave